Inclusion and Chocolate Coated Ice Cream Bars

Standing ice cream bar and ice cream bar on plastic wrapper (both covered with chocolate and inclusions) on marble top with teatowel
Standing ice cream bar and ice cream bar on plastic wrapper (both covered with chocolate and inclusions) on marble top with teatowel

Take your product to the next level with a chocolate inclusion that is sure to please. With a variety of sizes, textures, mix rates and dip processes, there are lots of creative ways to create new and exciting products for your market.

3 Ice Cream Bars on white bg

For our latest inclusion inspiration we mixed small inclusions (from a selection of 0-2mm, 2-4mm, and 0-4mm) to create an exciting mix of textures and visual interest.

Double-dipped or partial dip creates drama and indulgence and creates another level of visual interest.

Two chocolate and inclusion coated ice cream bars on white background

Regardless of your requirements, our team are here to help create the right mix for your needs.

Inclusions for Inspiration